At AssetInsight, we strive to create value for our customers time and again, through use of innovative technology and different forms of capital - people, strategy, processes, passion and performance.
With our focus on delivering meaningful innovation, we serve companies across diverse sectors in their maintenance and project workflows. We deliver intelligent asset inspections using innovative technology, helping provide meaningful insights, improving asset availability, reliability and productivity.
Guided by our understanding of the specific challenges faced by each sector we operate in, we apply our outstanding innovation capabilities, brand and global tech sourcing to unravel new and lasting value for our customers.
Any technology is as good as the value it delivers.
A black buck has his very own favourite and private (solo) spot in the wilderness. Basically a shit hole. You get that in perspective only with an aerial view.
Drone visuals taken over a few days over a designated area easily establish deer and black buck behaviour, repeatability and this wildlife insight.
We take a systematic approach to value creation. Firstly, by understanding the challenges faced by our customers and then delivering innovation that meets their needs and goals.
Our foundations are in engineering and endless capabilities of human spirit.
Our experience straddles engineering design, manufacturing, project management, maintenance, business development and applied services.
Our exposure is diverse - humble beginnings in renewable energy, specifically mini, micro and small hydel power generation, moving to preventive & predictive maintenance across process industry (cement, fertiliser, chemical, food & pharmaceutical), general manufacturing, automobile & auto components, railways, road & infrastructure construction, energy, power generation, oil & gas, transport & fleet, and power transmission & distribution.
Our work footprint is wide. We have developed and served more than 3000 B2B corporate clients from across sectors, creating sustained value for each one of them.
We stepped in the realm of aerial inspections in 2014 with aircraft mounted LiDAR and High Definition Zoom sensors for mapping and inspection of transmission lines.
Then drones came of age and drone operations legalised in India from January 1, 2019. Therefore.
One learning: keep innovating.
With 30 yrs of in-depth B2B exposure across diverse sectors, founder Sanjay Arya is a seasoned professional with a penchant for innovation, value creation and delivery.
Our team of drone pilots are trained & supervised by decorated retired pilots from the IAF and leading airlines.
And we have a sharp board of advisors.
We generate a massive amount of data at each client location and use a variety of software, AI and ML for acquiring meaningful insights.
We partner with a range of global innovators in droneTech, assimilating the best of technology and domain expertise to deliver cutting edge value creation for our customers.
Copyright © 2023 AssetInsight - All Rights Reserved.
AssetInsight is a division of Lube Qube Private Limited, DW 86, Nirvana Country, Sector 50, Gurgaon 122018, Haryana, India.
+91 9999633866
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